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Biodiversity – How We Can Help

How we can help:

As grass care experts we know that we need to strike a balance between maintaining a well-kept lawn and supporting Biodiversity. Healthy ecosystems are important to provide us with the vital services that are essential to human life such as providing us with clean water, sustaining our food supply, reducing greenhouse gases, and providing us with relaxing and enjoyable green spaces which promote healthy wellbeing.

Biodiversity can be described as the variety of different types of life on Earth. The greater the biodiversity that we have, the greater the stability of our ecosystems so we all need to play our part in keeping our planet healthier.

Simple things we can do:

  • Allow native Irish wildflowers to occur naturally by reducing mowing and allowing the grass to grow. A wild patch allows a diverse mix of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms to co-exist very happily together creating habitats for all types of various creatures and insets/birds.
  • Consider creating a small water feature or pond which will attract wildlife. You could plant some native plant species around the pond to act as a food source for those that visit your water feature/pond.
  • It is also a good idea to plant some native flowers, shrubs, and trees around the lawn, not only are they attractive to look at but they provide a food source for birds, butterflies and bees and whatever local wildlife. Try to have at least 3-5 flowering plants in your garden at any one time.
  • For people who may have much bigger areas I would suggest planting native Irish trees. They can provide shelter and food for all its various inhabitants whilst also capturing and storing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere into their roots. Also planting hedges which provide berries for the birds to enjoy not only looks beautiful but also provide excellent fencing options for householders.
  • Growing your own fruits and vegetables will provide flowering plants for pollinators to feed on and you’ll reap the rewards later in the year.
  • Home composting can improve your soil health drastically while also providing many insect and worm species with food and shelter. As well as being a way to recycle your garden and kitchen waste and giving you a rich substrate for your plants, a compost heap offers an important site where invertebrates can live and breed.
  • Lastly consider a robotic mower – by opting for a robotic mower you are contributing to a greener planet as they reduce carbon emissions by up to 90% compared with standard mowers. There is less noise, so low on noise pollution. The clippings from the lawn are layered back over the lawn feeding it with essential nutrients to support optimum regrowth and health. The mowers are super lightweight, and without the need for anyone trudging up and down on the lawn reducing the risk of damaging other species and undergrowth e.g. flower beds and other plants. Please visit our Greenfeet shop at and take a look at the wide range of robotic mowers we have on offer.