Lawn Care Treatments


Party Green Up

This is a quick action green-up for your lawn/grass area for office or house parties communions, confirmations, weddings, any special occasion.

Heavy Moss Kill

A treatment prior to scarification carried out to kill out moss.


A treatment to cut out dead grass in the grass sward, it creates new tilers hence a denser lawn and allows better air movement through the grass sward, giving a healthier lawn.


Is to remove dead moss and thatch dead plant material from the grass/lawn area. This is a machine that cuts right down into the soil, it is a form of aeration.


Thatch Busting

Is to remove dead moss and thatch dead plant material from the grass/lawn area. This is a machine that cuts right down into the soil, carried out twice on the surface for extremely bad moss thatch situations.


Thin lawns after grooming - scarifying - thatch busting - hollow coring. New seed is put down to fill back grass on lawn surfaces.

High P Fert 

A slow release fertilizer used to get new seed to strike fast, hence better grass yields are established and acts as a very good plant feed.


Coring compact lawns that help air movement within the soil profile. This leads to better root depth, a healthier plant lawn and lower water table.


Hollow Tinning 

Coring compact lawns that help air movement within the soil profile. Better root depth, healthier plant lawn, lower water table.

Sand Top Dressing 

Is for poor drainage, surface water where there is no outlet for drainage, sand dressing lowers water giving a dry lawn over a period of time. Note it may take quite a few dressings to improve lawn drainage.

Profile Surface Drainage 

Is a marine compost that holds 3 times its own weight and is a very good product mix with top dressing sand.

Plant Growth Regulators

Slows down growth of the grass up to 50% to 60% and creates denser grass sward and deeper root development on very thin grass/lawn in shaded areas.


Plant & Tree Feed 

High P Fert contains N-P-K with high p and trace elements and is a slow release, great in Spring and Autumn and has a 6-month longevity.

Baby Tears 

Known as Mind Your Own Business - Helenxinia is a rockery weed that creeps through lawns taken the grass over, it is very invasive in lawns can take 2 to 3 visits to get it under control.

Pest Control 

Call and we can identify the problem and treat different types of such as leatherjackets, daddy long legs, chafer grubs, frit fly, etc. these hover feed on grass roots causing severe thinning of grass. Turf topped due to bird or crows picking can leave lawn in very bad state.

Disease Control

Call and we can identify the problem and treat successfully. Weather conditions are having a big impact on lawns, contracting lawn disease normally come in patches and grass can die in patches or can kill grass outright.


Surface Levelling 

For lawns with small dips or small humps, we dress sand into hollows, this can take 3 to 4 applications.

Patch Repair

For patches burnt from over applying DIY Products/Animal Damage or spillage of chemical.

Wetting Agent 

High or sandy soils that tend to dry up quickly, the wetting agent holds moisture in sand soil profile, thus preventing lawns from drying up in bad situations. 2 to 3 applications may need to be applied.

Scutch Grass Control 

Is for the control of Yorkshire fog in lawn areas as it has an ugly presence within grass swards, has a pale green colour and its bad structure. Note, when spraying control takes place temporary burn back of another lawn/grass may appear.


Contact the Lawn Care Experts at Greenfeet Lawn Care

Contact us now by email, complete our online form to book a visit by one of our lawn care treatment experts or give us a call using our number 057 86 46889, if your lawn is in need of our lawn treatment services. We are here and waiting to get and keep your lawn looking great, just like one of our clients’ gardens below.


Niall Quinn - Former Irish International

"Greenfeet transformed my own garden at home. I cannot recommend them highly enough. Greenfeet have transformed my lawn into the most healthy, green and weed free grass I have seen in some time."

Greenfeet helps you create a moss-free, green lawn you can enjoy.Whether your lawn is a 50 square foot domestic garden, a pristine golf course or a pitch, the Greenfeet team has the experience and passion for lawn care to get your lawn the way you want it within budget.


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