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Water Logged Lawn

Photo of Water Logged Lawn.

If your lawn is water logged or compacted, you’re likely to be frustrated by the surface water you get every time there’s a shower of rain. There’s only a limited number of things you can do to relieve a water logged lawn (some say waterlogged) or compacted lawn on your own.

The Greenfeet process always starts by surveying your lawn to assess the problem.

There are two aspects to good drainage:

Surface drainage

Sub surface drainage. If either is not performing then problems will arise!

Water Logged Lawn Survey

The first thing we check is the surface. Here we check for compactness and check the depth of the thatch.
We will then look underneath the surface at the type of soil.

We check the profile of the soil to ensure there are no soil pans or layers in the soil that the water can’t drain through.

Once this has been established we then put a plan in place to improve the drainage of your lawn.

At Greenfeet we have a number of treatments to improve drainage:

Aerating e.g. Hollow Coring or deep scarifying

Sand Spreading e.g. Top dressing of drainage sand will allow water to drain faster

Soil Amendments e.g. Adding amendments into the soil to improve soil structure

Light Lawn Levelling e.g. Filling hollow or dips in lawns where water tends to hold

Rootzone replacement e.g. Digging out poor soil and replacing it with new soil/sand rootzones

Why It’s Important to Aerate a Water Logged Lawn:


Our Greenfeet Hollow Coring service will have your water logged lawn or compacted lawn looking great in no time. If you happen to have a water logged lawn, contact us now by email or give us a ring using our number 0578646889. We’re here and waiting to get and keep your lawn looking great.

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